Thursday, February 25, 2010

Count Down Is On!

We can't believe that Monday is March 1st. We are counting down the days until spring break but most importantly summer break. We can't wait to go to the beach, pool, the river and hangout with our family and friends!! We are busy with school, masters classes and Charlie's ball games. Before we know it softball will be started back up and will keep us busy until next Christmas.
As far as church, we are joining our church this Sunday. We met with the preacher yesterday and feel blessed that the Lord has lead us to our church. We are excited to finally have a home church in Munford.

Monday, February 1, 2010

We Love Snow!!!

We have had a wonderful break from school thanks to the snow!!! We got out of school last Thursday at 3:15 and still have not gone back. Charlie and I have enjoyed spending time together and being off work. Friday, Saturday and Sunday until about 11 am. we were snowed in our house. We enjoyed sleeping in, watching movies, eating, cleaning, eating, taking naps, hanging out with Moe and doing laundry. Around lunch on Sunday, Charlie's dad ventured out to get us and take us sledding for a couple hours. We had a great time sledding on the Bibb's land with Joe and his family. We went sledding, snow skiing, and rode four wheelers. This time was much needed out of our house. We were being to get cabin fever. Sunday night Charlie and I had dinner and movie date night. We headed out to eat Mexican and see When in Rome. Today we enjoyed running errands and getting our taxes filed and complete!!! We are out of school again tomorrow and who knows what the day will hold!!

Thank you snow for a much needed break!! We still have not had a five day work week, but we are not complaining. We are enjoying the perks of being teachers!!