Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love This Weather!!!

Spring break is finally here and we are loving it. We our enjoying the beautiful weather and being outside. This week we have planted our garden, planted flowers, sold a lawnmower and gotten a new one. We have gotten to hangout with friends, see Will Allen play ball and visit family. We are enjoying a much needed break. The count down is now on - 6 more weeks until school's out for summer!!!!
Since the last post I have started a new hobby/business. I am now a consultant for Thirty -One and loving every minute of it. Check it out: I have had several parties already and look forward to having more. Let me know if you are interested in a catalog or house party.
This Tuesday is our last night class of the semester. WE will graduate in December and can't wait. We have observation hours to complete in the fall and we are DONE!!!
Softball starts back next week for Charlie so we will be staying busy until August now. We enjoy it and look forward to another successful season!!