Thursday, March 31, 2011

We are a family of 3!!

Well.. Lee is here and is over three weeks old. We are loving every minute of having him. He is perfect. How it all began: I went to the doctor on March 4 and the Dr. said I would need to check into the hospital on March 7 to be induced on March 8. Charlie and I were excited and anxious knowing that our whole life was about to change. We headed home from the Dr. and enjoyed our last weekend as a family of 2. We went out to dinner, both nights, and made sure we had everything packed and ready for the hospital. **On Monday, March 7, Charlie headed to work and I went to school to tell my kids goodbye. I was headed out a weekly earlier than expected. Before we knew it, we were headed to Memphis after school and enjoying dinner at Jason's deli before heading to the hospital. We got checked into the hospital and mom joined us for the night. We all didn't know what to expect and after staying up talking late we headed to bed. 6 am came bright and early and I received the drip. We were hoping this would speed up the delivery but Dr. Crenshaw assured us it would at least be 7 pm that night before Lee would arrive. We were excited as all of our family and friends began to arrive at the hospital. **11:00 am I had all the pain I could handle and was ready for the epidural. WOW it was wonderful... Once the epidural came, Dr. Crenshaw still said I will see you around 7 pm and he was headed to a surgery. Jill, our excellent nurse, checked me at 12:30 pm and I was at 5 cm. **About 1:30 I was experiencing back pain and we had a room full of people but called Jill in. She decided to clear the room and check me... To our surprise I was at 10 and fixing to have baby Lee. Charlie and mom told everyone in the hall to head to the waiting room this baby was on the way. I laughed at watching them run around the room trying to get all the cameras. Dr. Crenshaw was in surgery and Dr. Peeler came in I pushed for 20 mintues and Lee Ligon had arrived. **He is perfect!!! He was born at 2:42 pm weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz and 19 1/2 in. long full of brown hair!! Our lives will never be the same. He is a blessing and we are loving every minute of having him home. ** We got to come home and have several visitors come see our new addition. We are truly blessed by all of our friends and family that came to see him, sent cards, food and all the phone calls. We are home and doing great and look forward to all the years ahead with baby Lee.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

4 weeks & Counting

Charlie and I can't express how blessed we are. We have had 3 baby showers and each time we can't believe how much Lee has gotten. We are so thankful to have such great family and friends that are helping us welcome Lee to this world. We still have 2 showers left and can't imagine what else Lee will be receiving.
It's hard to believe that Lee is due a month from this Tuesday. It's crazy to believe that we are about to have a baby boy and our whole life is about to change. We are excited and thrilled and can't wait for him to arrive.
We go to our appts on a weekly basis now and the dr. says everything is looking great and still on target for March 15. I have been extremely blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy (minus the 1st trimester when I was sick as a dog) and Charlie & I can only hope and pray that the delivery goes just a smoothly. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

We will keep you posted!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

7 Weeks and Couting

It's hard to believe in 7 weeks our little bundle of joy will be arriving. We are thrilled and feel extremly blessed to welcome Lee into this world. We have enjoyed going to the dr. appts and seeing him on the 4d ultrasounds. We know he has great arms and legs. We are so thankful for our friends that are hosting baby showers for us. We are excited about our 1st shower this weekend. Nursery pictures will be coming soon!!