Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. We have been busy this Christmas break. We started off the break in Gatlinburg for Andy and Rachel's wedding. We are thrilled to have Rachel and Reese join our family. We enjoyed a fun weekend with our family.
We got back to town and headed to a dr's appointment for baby Lee. He is doing great and growing daily. We are now in the 3rd trimester and headed to the docter every 2 weeks. March will be here before we know it. Baby Lee is a VERY ACTIVE baby already. He loves to kick me and play games with Charlie. It's crazy that this time next year we will have a new little one at Christmas. He is already spoiled with a closet full of clothes and toys.
WE hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys spending time with their families. Please remember the real reason for the season.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!