Sunday, February 13, 2011

4 weeks & Counting

Charlie and I can't express how blessed we are. We have had 3 baby showers and each time we can't believe how much Lee has gotten. We are so thankful to have such great family and friends that are helping us welcome Lee to this world. We still have 2 showers left and can't imagine what else Lee will be receiving.
It's hard to believe that Lee is due a month from this Tuesday. It's crazy to believe that we are about to have a baby boy and our whole life is about to change. We are excited and thrilled and can't wait for him to arrive.
We go to our appts on a weekly basis now and the dr. says everything is looking great and still on target for March 15. I have been extremely blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy (minus the 1st trimester when I was sick as a dog) and Charlie & I can only hope and pray that the delivery goes just a smoothly. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

We will keep you posted!!!!